
Pet Industry Association of Australia, Dog Training Adelaide, Dog Trainer Adelaide, Certified Dog Trainer, Behavioural Training Tamara Di Santo
Tamara Di Santo PIAA Best Friend Dog Care dog training, behaviour and relation ship coach Adelaide South Australia
Tamara Di Santo Best Friend Dog Care dog training, behaviour and relation ship coach Adelaide South Australia

PIAA Pet Industry Association

PIAA Pet First Aid Workshop

Delta Society Australia

Tamara Di Santo NDTF Certificate 3 Dog Behaviour and Training Best Friend Dog Care dog training, behaviour and relation ship coach Adelaide South Australia

Certificate 3 Dog Behavioural Training

National Dog Training Federation

Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour)
The University of Adelaide

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Pet Industry Association Member

Mark Clark, Total Dog , safe dog handling & apprehension workshop, Canine behaviour drives, indicators to dogs mindset, dog bite prevention, approaching aggressive dogs, Tamara Di Santo, Behavioural dog training, Brianna Done Dog Behaviourist

Safe Dog Handling Workshop

Pet Proffessional Guild Tamara Di Santo Best Friend Dog Care rewards based training

Pet Professional Guild,
Geek Week,
For the Love of Science Education Summit

Tamara Di Santo Pet Proffessional Guild Best Friend Dog Care dog training, behaviour and relation ship coach Adelaide South Australia

Delta SocietyΒ DogNostics

Safe Dog Handling Workshop

International Association of Canine Professionals - Tamara Di Santo, Best Friend Dog Care, Dog behavioural training Australia

Professional Member ~ International Association of Canine Professionals