RESILIENCE DOG TRAINING – for the anxious, timid, scared dogs

Living with an anxious, timid dog can be crippling to them and you. It doesn’t have to be, by reaching out to dog behavioural trainers such as Best Friend Dog Care you can find ways that the both of you can live your best life together.
Please reach out if you are unsure, all questions are worth asking.

dog training online, best friend dog training, anxious dog, scared dog, my dog bites, box feeding, train my dog, dog obedience, stop dog pulling, scared dogOur resilience training sessions have opened up many relationships between humans and their best friends, assisting them to go outside the home and enjoy a ‘normal’ life together.

If you would like to give it a go on your own follow these steps

*Have box (deep enough for the eyes not to be able to see out), washer (available from hardware store), food ready (usual daily food, if needed you can use a high value food like chicken or cheese to start off).

*Box flat on floor, start off the very first few sessions saying OPEN and putting in about 4 pieces of kibble (dry dog food) and before the last piece is eaten drop another working up to a longer break before the next gets dropped in.
You might find the head comes out fast at the beginning, that’s OK as your best friend is learning.

*Once the head is out say CLOSED, remove all food and washer, do not offer this exercise again until next feeding time. (The box then becomes ‘just a box’ to the dog).

Being sure you are moving forward and not staying at the same level of this exercise for too long is important for this training exercise. Our on line dog training is a great way to save $ and have us in your lounge room assisting you to reach your end goals when the time suits you.

We suggest only using the daily in take of food for training, dividing up depending on the training you are currently working on. Β  As a dog guardian we are responsible for our best friends weight and it is up to us to take on the responsibility with pride knowing we are their guiding light in life and it is up to us to train and look after them having them succeed in the life we have chosen for them.
Training your best friend with their daily food intake you are assisting their dog brain to be used as intended working for their food. What better way to enrich their minds and tire them out πŸ˜‰
Do not be discouraged if your best friend is too scared at first to put their head into the box in the first instance, go slowly in your best friend’s time. Moving as slowly as needed to increase their confidence, you can tilt the box on the side slowly, calmly encouraging them to eat the food inside. Leave out the washer until their confidence is up in eating out of the box if required.

Check out one of our friends who has mastered this in many different locations in the home and outside the home

Know you are not alone in living with your best friend, reach out to a qualified behavioral trainer such as BEST FRIEND DOG CARE.Β  We are here to assist you every step of the way.

To find out more please contact us

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