dog welfare

Best Friend Dog Care dog training, behaviour and relation ship coach Adelaide South Australia


What are you to the pup you chose to live with? An Owner? A Guardian? An Advocate? A Friend? A Leader? A Pack member? A Fur parent?

Our Crazy Human World is hard enough for us to live in, consider the pup in your life and how they make heads or tails from our ever changing fast paced house hold, let alone fast paced world. Have you wondered what a dogs home was like before humans adopted them? A den… comfortable, often secluded, designed to provide a quiet place used as a cave or concealment to live in.

Each ‘den’ member would know what was expected of them. Being able to communicate with those they lived with. Having a leader, and being kept safe are what your best friend deserves from you when you take on the role of Dog Guardian. When you can communicate with the dog in your house imagine the harmony. Would you like your Best Friend to feel comfortable in situations out of your control? Would you like your pet to recover quickly if needing to stay at the veterinarians? Will your Groomer or Kennel put your dog in a crate or noose?

There are so many benefits to communicating with your Best Friend including improving behavioural issues, preventing hurting themselves as well as teaching a calm mindset. Wouldn’t you like to advocate for the dog in your life?

Keeping welfare of dogs in mind, don’t control the dogs in your life, do keep them safe and love the life with them. Have a mutual relationship, forget human needs and focus on the pups in your life. Do not use dogs to fill a void of another human or seek them for your own comfort. Be mindful of where you are focusing your human anxiety, that its not on the dog in your life.

I love wearing my dog hat, hanging out with the dogs in my life, romancing them. Grooming them, not to have them looking pretty but to build my bond with them, so our relationship is a feel good one.

By forgetting my human needs and focusing on the dogs in my life they will see me as the person who keeps them safe, coming when called. No force needed, its the Best Friend way, gentle and easy.